I know it took a while, but hey, it's up! for some reason. It went down a smigin on the front page, so I'm using this post to tell you that it's here! Check it out!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Changes to the template.
Don't worry. You made it clear that a theme of the month isn't a good idea, so I won't do one. I changed the header, and made it smaller so the front page won't take as long to load. I also changed what the comment button and other buttons say at the bottom of the post. These are the only changes I intend to make. Oh, I've started uploading the Mission 3 review pictures, but it's gonna take a while. *Sigh*
Yo Joe and Duke94 out.
Lego Agents Mission 3 Gold Hunt review
Well being a G.I.Joe Sigma 6 fan, the Lego Agents were a dream come true. To have Lego sets where they fired guns, had a Mobile Command Center, and had awesome tech was awesome. The jet was one cool vehicle, while not on Sigma 6, it had a Sigma 6 look to it. And it still does. I love the Agents line, and this is one of the best Lego sets ever. Why? Read on.
The mini-figs included are Agent Fuse, Gold Tooth, and a henchman. Fuse and Gold Tooth were covered in this review, and the henchman in Mission 5.
Fuse includes no weapons, and has a helmet instead of his hairpiece. It stinks that Fuse doesn't have his hairpiece included in the set. Say I was a little kid that couldn't save up the money for the MCC, but I was given Mission 3 for my birthday. Well, when I played with my Agents, Fuse would be walking around with his helmet on all the time. This was one of the reasons I bought Mission 6 first, so that I could have the regular versions of the characters.
Gold Tooth includes a gold-plated pistol, but it the hairpiece is awesome! I can think of a thousand (Okay, maybe not that many.) ways to use this piece!
The henchman's sub-machine guns are awesome, even though they are a simple combination!
The henchman's sub-machine guns are awesome, even though they are a simple combination!
When I first saw the truck, I was like okay, whatever. It's a pick-up truck. A tall pick-up truck. the model is TALL! (See next two pictures.) None the less, I love this rig! There is nothing on it that should blow me away, but it does.
The box shows that when you hit the target, the gold flies of the truck. Listen well, kids. What you see is not always what you get. I knew it was hype, but, hey, a guy can dream!

The back of the pick-up has a turning seat for the henchman to sit in, and fire his guns. Not a bad feature, but not a great one, either.
The back of the pick-up has a turning seat for the henchman to sit in, and fire his guns. Not a bad feature, but not a great one, either.
The missiles are a little crazy. They look more like laser cannons than missiles, besides where is the engine?
The plane. Wow. I love the design of this toy! (It strikes amazing resemblance to a blue angel!)
A look at the bottom of the plane.
You need to hold the plane a certain way to get both missiles to fire at the same time. This is the best way.

A picture of the jet's thruster. I've heard of barrel rolls, but this is ridiculous.

A picture of the jet's thruster. I've heard of barrel rolls, but this is ridiculous.
One seat in the cockpit, but you can store gear back there. (If Fuse came with any, mind you.)

One instruction manual.

One instruction manual.
Box shot. I forgot to take a picture of the comic strip this time, but you can see it here.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
All quiet on the Eastern Front
And that's a good thing for me. I haven't had lot of time to work on the blog. I need to work on getting those reviews up, which I finally have got the chance to work on today.
If you remember, I started a team on a Lego Agents role-playing game on the Lego Message Boards. Long story, but I'm starting over with a new team so if you want to join the fight, get in on the Message Boards today.
Oh, one more thing. I messed up this week's poll, so I'm going to change it a little sooner than usual. I typically change it every Monday at 2:00 Pm
Yo Joe and Duke94 out.