Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Grand Slam Review

When I saw Grand Slam on the Internet, and I wanted him immediately. It took me two months to find him, but the wait was well worth it. He's very cool and he's a ham.
Here's the fig without his weapons

I have a snapshot of Grand Slam with his helmet and belt on.
Here are weapons. Usually, a figure has only one or two cool weapons, but all of Grand Slam's tools are cool.
I really like his knife and rifle. They are SO cool!
His bazooka is very nice.
When you fire the rocket, it ejects a cartridge out of the back.

An alternate way to use the launcher.
Grand and his fellow ham, Heavy Duty.
An action shot.
File card.
In the dark.
Overall he's a very cool figure. My next victim to be reviewed will be Wet-Suit! (If I don't forget.)

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