Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's over!

The 8" line is gone. Hasbro showed pictures of the canceled line. These included Short Fuze, Zanzibar, Wrecking Ball, Scarlett, Duke and (Snake-Eyes or Kamakura) wearing exo-suits, and an unknown ninja. Please e-mail Hasbro, please, please, PLEASE!!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I'm back!

Well hello, friends, enemies, and anyone else who might be reading! Sorry I disappeared for a while. I now have the Adventure Team Storm Shadow with the tiger, and Flint. Man there's alot to lot to tell. Plenty of trips to Wally-World (Wal-Mart), Bullseye (Target), and Kart Mart (K-Mart), (With only 2 finds.), a fun day at church, a wedding, my Dad having his web site built (Really, it's cool), sheesh, nothing happens around here! Schools out so I can post more. I'm working on a post that tells how Sigma 6 ties in with the ARAH line. Man I gotta run to church soon. Bye!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Kung Fu Grip!

Here are some different pictures of my Kung Fu Grip figures. Some are my brother's.





Desert Wolf


Storm Shadow and the tiger

Metal Mayhem with Snake-Eyes

What can you crush?